tc, short for traffic control, can do all kinds of things like hook and manage bufferbloat issues, set bandwidth limits and lots of other stuff. Here’s the setup I use
Author: unclecameron
apache is called apache2 in debian/ubuntu and httpd in Centos/Fedora, it lives in /etc/apache2/ Tutorials basic tutorial here more advanced one here securing apache here Install apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5
hacks and tips and tricks what it is what it does .bashrc export PS1=’\[\033[0;35m\]\h\[\033[0;33m\] \w\[\033[00m\]: ‘ ifconfig eth0 netmask up brings interface eth0 up with ip of
an encrypted login to a server running openssh-server install (debian variants) apt-get install openssh-serverapt-get install openssh-server configure to login from your laptop without being prompted for passwords, using dsa encrypted
install .htaccess apt-get install htpasswdapt-get install htpasswd add user cd /where/your/secret/.htpasswd/file/will/be/created htpasswd -c .htpasswd usertocreate htpasswd .htpasswd anotherusercd /where/your/secret/.htpasswd/file/will/be/created htpasswd -c .htpasswd usertocreate htpasswd .htpasswd anotheruser create .htaccess file in
Approx local Debian apt .deb cache
This will make your other local machines download packages faster because it creates a cache of packages stored on the machine we’re going to make, then lets all your clients
Python basics
Examples run at the command line after typing “python” then getting the >>> prompt lists make a list and then do stuff with the data in it [codesyntax lang=”python”] >>>
Nagios sytem monitoring Howto
Nagios monitors systems and then e-mails you if there’s an outage, it does a lot more, but that’s the usual use. this is a down and dirty cut/paste howto, if
First install the server. It will prompt you to enter a root password. apt-get install mysql-server mysql-clientapt-get install mysql-server mysql-client If you want a web-based “gui” manager for your server
linux commands
command what it does awk ‘!/virus=””/’ > sometextfile pipes notification of nasties to a text file called sometextfile cat /proc/meminfo shows your memory stuff (or just type “free”) cat