January 22, 2025

Liferay HowTo

Liferay is a pretty complete java (and other stuff) portal software package, you can use it as a Content Management System (CMS) for a department, organization with multiple sub-organizations, totally separate organizations altogether with one install, share docs, conversations, timelines, stuff like that. It’s fairly odd to understand the navigational and admin structure once you get it installed, but there’s a logic to it. Since it’s built in Java you can just plop a package on a server and go, but their documentation is…odd, here’s a down and dirty installation with mysql as a backend using their default Tomcat server they include with the download

Liferay Installation

You have to download the main package from Liferay, this HowTo is bases on Version

Admin Password Reset

We’re going to reset it to ‘test’, then you can login with that password and change it whatever you want. First login to the server, then login to the database:

mysql -u root -p
use database <whatever you called your liferay database>;
UPDATE User_ SET password_='qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=' WHERE emailAddress='youremail@whatever.com';

Now go to the login screen for Liferay portal and use ‘test’, it should log you in then you can update it to what you want.