I upgraded to python from bash to do certain more complex things, here are random notes about how that happened.
Install Eclipse IDE
Eclipse is sorta the standard IDE, though I like SCITE too, here’s how to install and config the development environment, in this case on my Ubuntu laptop:
apt-get install eclipse
now you have to go into eclipse and add pydev (python development), don’t do it from apt-get, it’s better if you use Eclipse itself to get pydev working:
Eclipse -> Help -> Install new Software -> Add ->
Name: PyDev Location: http://pydev.org/updates |
Hit ‘OK’ -> Work with: ‘Select’ PyDev – http://pydev.org/updates -> check PyDev group box -> Next -> Accept License -> Finish
now it’ll install a bunch of stuff and then prompt a restart, hit ‘Ok’
when it restarts, enable PyDev and paths by doing
Windows -> Preferences -> PyDev (should appear now) -> Interpreter – Python -> New ->
Interpreter Name: python Interpreter Executable: /usr/bin/python |
Now select your python paths, then ‘OK’ and ‘Apply’, when you hit apply it will check if your paths are sane.