rrd is a database that works like a 5 gallon bucket with a hose coming out the bottom: You put stuff in until it overflows, and it keeps a steady 5 gallons of “information” in it at all times and just rotates through. It’s just a normal file on your server but it’s specially dedicated to this rotating process. It’s typically used for graphing some small history of a given dataset and then dumping the old stuff you no longer care about. When you combine it with snmp, it can monitor stuff on your network and feed it to a graphing thing so you can keep a historical graph of trends on your network.
Create a basic graph from data
First, you have to create an rrd database to use. We start with a generic one that creates test.rrd:
vi createdatabase.sh #!/bin/bash rrdtool create test.rrd i\ --step=1 --start=now-1000s \ DS:ds1:GAUGE:1:U:U \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1000 chmod 755 createdatabase.sh ./createdatabase.sh |
Okay, now you have a database that steps at 1 second, and graphs the last 1000 seconds.
Now you have to fill it with stuff, so write a script that does that like:
vi filldatabase.sh #!/bin/bash START=$(expr $(date "+%s") - 1000) COUNT=1000 for (( i = 0; i < ${COUNT}; i++ )); do VALUE=$(echo "scale=3; s($i/10) * 100" | bc -l) rrdtool update test.rrd ${START}:${VALUE} START=$(expr ${START} + 1) done chmod 755 filldatabase.sh ./filldatabase.sh |
Now you have a database with stuff in it, so you have to create a graphic .png of your data set that you can display on webpage like:
vi creategraph.sh #!/bin/bash rrdtool graph graph.png \ --start now-1000s --end now \ DEF:ds1a=test.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE \ LINE1:ds1a#FF0000:"Wavy line" chmod 755 creategraph.sh ./creategraph.sh |
Now you should have a .png file called graph.png, which you can move to a website and see in a browser.
Now you have to update your data to keep it fresh, so you need another script to do that with some kind of regularity. I want to query snmp data off network devices.
Here are a few links: